Bender's Bodyworks
Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live!

Referral Rewards

Earn Your Way to a 
Now you can earn free treatments through my new Referral Rewards Program! This is my way of saying "Thank you" for your valuable referrals and to give those you refer to me a discount toward their first treatment!
Every time someone visits a massage therapist without a referral they are taking risks:
* They risk not receiving a good massage therapy session.
* They risk being uncomfortable.
* They risk wasting money.
* They risk wasting time.
* They risk being treated unprofessionally.
* They risk not getting massage therapy at all because of this discomfort, and that is a huge risk, because it may mean they don't get the treatment they need.
Getting a referral from you resolves all of these problems. Help your friends, family and co-workers avoid a negative massage therapy experience while earning rewards for yourself!
How does it work?
I've created a Referral Reward Program for my loyal clients. Simply let your friends, family and colleagues know how much you enjoyed your treatment(s) at Bender's Bodyworks. When they come in to get their first treatment, and tell me you referred them in, that is considered a "qualified referral" and you get a $20 credit towards a future appointment!
How can I redeem my credits?
You may let your credits build up until you have enough to get the treatment you desire, or you may use the credit(s) at your next appointment as a discount. In addition, you can transfer the credits to someone else to use, or, you may redeem them for gift certificates!
*The only way referral credits may NOT be used is in the purchase of products or in combination with any other discount we offer such as monthly specials, coupons or giveaways.